Now after her missing the cut, you know what this means.
No woman will ever be on the Govrning Body or become an elder.
Annika you have ruined it for all women who want ot move ahead in our organiztaion!!!!!!!!
(couldn't resist)
well, its official.
sorenstam has ruled out any future attempts to play golf with the real big-dogs of golf.
Now after her missing the cut, you know what this means.
No woman will ever be on the Govrning Body or become an elder.
Annika you have ruined it for all women who want ot move ahead in our organiztaion!!!!!!!!
(couldn't resist)
can anyone help me understand the motive of the wts?
i don't think it's money .
the gb lives at bethel in a pretty low standard of living.
Wow, great topic and awesome replys.
I pretty much agree with everyone on the power issue.
Remember most people especially elders, let alone higher up, have never had anything significant in life, a meaningless job, hum-drum life. Then all of a sudden they are in charge of something, maybe terriories, ministry schools, cleaning, schedules, Sunday talks, etc etc etc etc , then progress all the way up the ladder.
They have always had to answer to somebody in life, now they are in charge, and loving every minute of it. Why would they leave.
Come on, everyone of us can think back to our days at the Kingdom Hall, and remember complete LOSERS (squares)(who never had a life, their excitement on a Friday night was listening to Kingdom Melodies in Hi-Fi), getting a position.
And as pointed out, majority of GB is over 70, maybe over 80, what do they have left ????, nowhere to go, most friends and acquaintances have died of. It's almost like winning the lottery, and I'm sure we will all understand it better when we hit are 70's or 80's.
The other point as mentioned many times on other questions is, when you are in an organization for a long time and at the end of your life, you go through a stage, thinking (right or wrong) that "IT HAS TO BE TRUE" I have spent my whole life in it.
There is not a Worse feeling in life then being HAD. Maybe you bought a car and it broke down the next week, bought a house and month later everything started to fall apart. Got ripped off by a telemarketer, Or fleeced out of 6 million by two elders in Montana. IS THERE A WORSE FEELING IN LIFE ????
And the JW'S will go to their grave believing "IT HAS TO BE TRUE" then admit they were wrong !!!!!!
But as long as this site (and others are around, to talk and expose the wrongdoing) maybe we can start making some people admit it, and save the remainder of their years left, to enjoying life and helping society before they die.
Well done careful fader !!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10
i always remembered when they would talk about how it is wrong to buy lottery tickets, or home lotteries or shriner's tickets, because this was considered gambling.. but when it comes to the stock market, well that is a different story, they (the jo-ho's) say it is investing not gambling.. do you think it was right for a jw to invest in enron, worldcom.
qwest, bre-x (canada) etc.. they will say well we did not know it was a fraud, well are you not suppose to investigate before you invest, by buying into these companies are you not supporting their beliefs and ways.. and why would you invest in your future when armageddon is going to be anyday now.. jesus said "do not asssociate with workers of lawlessness.
" what would you call the stock market.. how much does the watchtower invest with their billions ???
Okay pork chop, I now of people who lost everything in the stock market, and lost brothers and sisters money as well. Bads enough they had to sell their house etc, and then explain to the friends of the congregation who believed them, how come they lost it all.
They have been many experiences on brothers/sisters going into together on a venture (not necessarily stocks) and have become BITTER enemies, because of money lost.
obviously you are still a JW, who does not UNDERSTAND the question.
So buying into Enron, which was the biggest financial fiasco in decades, is okay.
I thought bad associations spoil useful habits, why would they associate themselves with them.
Is not the Stock Market run by WORLDLY people, with nothing but greed on their mind.
And since Armageddon will be here in a day or so, why would JW's bother.
I think you have been in the oven too long, you're burnt. (moron)
(and it's THINK not thing)
i always remembered when they would talk about how it is wrong to buy lottery tickets, or home lotteries or shriner's tickets, because this was considered gambling.. but when it comes to the stock market, well that is a different story, they (the jo-ho's) say it is investing not gambling.. do you think it was right for a jw to invest in enron, worldcom.
qwest, bre-x (canada) etc.. they will say well we did not know it was a fraud, well are you not suppose to investigate before you invest, by buying into these companies are you not supporting their beliefs and ways.. and why would you invest in your future when armageddon is going to be anyday now.. jesus said "do not asssociate with workers of lawlessness.
" what would you call the stock market.. how much does the watchtower invest with their billions ???
I always remembered when they would talk about how it is wrong to buy lottery tickets, or home lotteries or shriner's tickets, because this was considered gambling.
But when it comes to the Stock Market, well that is a different story, they (the Jo-Ho's) say it is investing not gambling.
Do you think it was right for a JW to invest in Enron, Worldcom. Qwest, Bre-X (Canada) etc.
they will say well we did not know it was a fraud, well are you not suppose to investigate before you invest, By buying into these companies are you not SUPPORTING their beliefs and ways.
And why would you invest in your future when Armageddon is going to be anyday now.
Jesus said "do not asssociate with workers of lawlessness." What would you call the Stock Market.
How much does the Watchtower invest with their billions ????, I don't believe they keep it in a old school in $100 American bill like Saddam. And I don't believe it is in one bank account.
A few questions that I would love to hear your opinion on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember if you are thinking of leaving the JW cult .......... run don't walk.
what, no anointed sisters on the gb?.
ok, i just used that question to get the ladies responses.. this week's news coverage had to do with a annika sorensen, a professional female golfer competing in a men's golf tournament.
according to the no spin zone o'reilly show, the majority of the people gave a thumbs down for a woman to compete in a man's tournament.
Maybe it's a GAY thing, not that there is anything wrong with that.
(sorry couldn't resist)
And the answer is yes, women are still garbage in the eyes of the hall, oh they are allowed to go in field service and have small parts in the theocratic school, but that's about it.
My brother called me a few days ago, (first time I have talked to him in 5 years)(my uncle had just died), he mentioned that his son now 21 was working on becoming a MS, I said that's fair our own sister has been a special pioneer for over 25 years, and because she doesn't have a penis, she can't have a position. I think this is the first time I left him speechless.
thank you to everyone who has responded to my posts.
i really appreciate all of the support!!
tonight i finally found enough courage to tell my husband i'm never going back.
Congrats, the doors to the Watchtower have opened and people cannot get out fast enough. The decline continues.
And you decided for the most important reason YOUR CHILD, you gave birth and only you know how much he means to you. Being raised a JW, I knew at a young age (the youngest of six) I would never have children, because, I didn't want to raise them the way I was raised, I even went as far to tell my mom it is your fault for this (I still have a lot of anger inside), She had six children and only two grandkids, should tell you something.
The problem with parents and it is hard for us to understand, is they have been in the "borg" for so long they no nothing else, they would be lost on the outside world, right or wrong they believe it. (My mom is the perfect example, I give her contradictions, she agrees with me, but says "it has to be true", that's what happens when you believe in something for a long time. There is not much you can say. (sorry I couldn't be of more help on this)
I have been "shunned by my entire family, and it was hard at first, but my life is 1000000 X better, and would not change it for nobody, So I have no family, but I have lots of friends and most importantly I have piece of mind, most importantly for you is, you have your child (and maybe more down the road).
You are very brave, and don't let ANYONE try to change that, everyone must form their own opinion and make their own decision. You may not see it yet, but you made the right choice.
Good Luck, hope to see you again !!!
i haven't posted much lately, i've been busy with so many things.
i'm really pretty well adjusted to being part of a jw family, my wife and all of her family are jw's.
these people who say they are so full of love.
one other thing before I hit the bed.
Have you noticed at the kingdom hall, everyone has their own little group.
Unfortunately for your mother-in-law she is in her eighties, and problay most people she knew and grew up with are long gone. And no one at the kingdom hall really cares, except for their own little group.
i haven't posted much lately, i've been busy with so many things.
i'm really pretty well adjusted to being part of a jw family, my wife and all of her family are jw's.
these people who say they are so full of love.
I know where you are coming from, I come from a complete family of JW's and I was the first to get out.
Most important point about the JW religion (and most others but, not all) is they prey on guilt feelings and fear (my mom is the # 1 example). They make you so scared to live (don't go to parties, no worldly association etc etc etc) and so afraid to die. When I told my family, If I die I die, they were appalled. You have 70-80 years on this planet, you can enjoy them, AND be a great person in society without the JW religion.
I heard the education crap back in the 70's and 80's (and so has everybody else on this site, GUARANTEED), and was the Watchtower right ?????? NO .
The fact that you are on this site, shows you are seeing the true colors of the congregations and the Watchtower in general. Hang out here long enough, and really think about some of the questions that come up and form YOUR own opinion, because in the end it is the only one that matters.
-they make a BILLION dollars a year (yet charge kingdom halls interest and rent for assembly halls)(how do you charge rent for something you already own, that is like charging your family for coming over for supper.) (let's see mom and dad you had two steaks, potatoes, veggies, that $45.00 and then we have to wash the dishes so that's another $10.00.) like where is the logic
-scare you with family shunning
-make you feel full of guilt for no reason
-constantly changing their doctrine (blood issue, 1914,working in war)
-the whole time in the JW religion, as much as I hated it and questioned it, I REALLY believed the saying "that the generation that saw these things would by no means pass away", well guess what, after years and years or saying we are in the last days (and predicting in the 70's watchtower that it is unlikely we will see the year 2000)(check out for yourself), they decided in 2000 that the word generation was misinterpeted. Why did they say this because most of the people have died from 1914, how many 90-year old people do you know ???????
What sent me packing was Jesus said "the end is coming like a thief in the night, and no one knows the day nor the hour.", yet the Watchtower in their 125 year history has made prediction after prediction. 1874,1914,1925,1935,1974,1975,1995 (new light),2000.
What did they not understand "no one knows the day nor the hour", could Jesus make it any clearer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other one was, I had been a bartender and they thought this was not an approiate job for me to have. Yet regularly the brothers who worked at General Motors, missed meetings because they were on shift work, but that was OK, I made the meetings but that wasn't good enough.
Finally I let an elder have it (all readers use this line, it works great), I said " if you are so sure of yourself and everything the organization stands for, then quit your job, sell your house, sell your car and go into the full-time ministry, God looked after Job, he will look after you, do you have faith in God ???
I feel for you, if it was just you and your wife, it might not be so hard, but with children as well, it is not easy. I would never tell someone what to do. So the best thing you can do is : investigate ALL the information from (1879 - 2003), find contradictions (keep a file on your computer), ask questions (see if the elders say you are being disruptive, and YOU should not question God's organization). And after that talk to your wife and family, ask them questions, ask them what they are so afraid of on this planet. You know the world may not be perfect, but we all have to live here.
It's late and my brain is dying, So GOOD LUCK, feel for ya !!!!!!!!!!!
okay, i want all the help i can get on this one, so fire away with your answers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anything that i say that is wrong, please point it out to me.. the governing body started roughly in 1971, with seven members, and then over the years increased it to 11 members,.
so how many people have served on the governing body from the beginning to now ????
Okay, I want all the help I can get on this one, so fire away with your answers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anything that I say that is wrong, please point it out to me.
The governing body started roughly in 1971, with seven members, and then over the years increased it to 11 members,
So how many people have served on the governing body from the beginning to now ???? Lets say roughly 100. (probaly not that high.)
Is it me, or is the governing body only made up of White American born people ????
Has there even been a black person (til now), Chinese, Middle Eastern, South American, European, African, Russian, Pakistani, Native etc etc. on the governing body. Does Jehovah only like the USA.???(well, the branches there do make the most money compared to other countries.)
Think about this one, How did Ray Franz get on the governing body to begin with ???, With all the people at the time qualified, did he get on simply because Daddy was on it. Kind of sounds like many of us getting a job where our dad worked because of his influence, this sounds the same.
And how do they decide on the next member, pick someone off the floor at bethel, or do they go thoroughly threw all the possibilites worldwide, (maybe place a classified ad in the Watchtower.)
Maybe I am way off base on this, and if so I WILL APOLOGIZE, (if i am wrong) BUT am I ????
Need answers, thanks to all in advance !!!!!!!!
i see 2 sisters today inj the fs .. so stop and start working them, they are so happy i know much about the wt.
i went into some thing about selling mag's etc.
and all of a sudden they went wild on how at the hall the co or somebody was asking for thousands of $'s for an assembly .
that is great, You know you will have all the help you need here. Since I haven't seen (or read) the Watchtower in years, what exactly was said regarding the new light in the June-01-03 Watchtower ???? I'm sure all of us would love to read it (and have a good chuckle. ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck, run don't walk